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F-2 Imagery Processing

Formosat-2 Imagery Processing and Application
Formosat-2 Imagery Delivering Center and Image Processing Service
NSPO and NCKU have signed the "Formosat-2 Imagery Delivering Center" contract in 2005, and assigned Disaster Prevention Research Center as the selling unit of Formosat-2 imagery. To serve users from different  realms and cater to incresing need of Formosat-2 imagery, directors of Global Earth Observation and Data Analysis Center and Disaster Prevention Research Center agreed to share raw Gerald data of Formosat-2 imagery. This decision has been approved by President Huang of NCKU. GEODAC and DPRC will share the annual payment of satellite imagery as well. GEODAC can process Gerald date of Formosat-2 imagery and offer image processing services based on different requests of each project.
Descriptions of Image Processing 


Image Processing
1. Coregistration
pan-to-ms coregistration
2. Orthorectification
rigorous orthorectification
spectral summation intensity modulation
4. Stretch and Enhancement
image sharpening and contrast enhancement
5. Superoverlay
converting images to pyramid image layers
6. Cloud Publishing
publishing on GIS & Cloud Storage Platform
7. Landslide Interpretation
generating shape files by using ELSADS


Processing Procedures of Various Product


Processing Procedures
Orthorectitication and SSIM
Cloud Platform Publishing
Rapid Response on certain event
(image processing and publishing)
Landslide Interpretation and Variance Analysis
Example of HD 3D Virtual Flying Footage